Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Saunf Kehwa || Fennel Seeds Tea

Saunf Kehwa | Fennel seeds Tea 

Saunf Kehwa is decoction made by boiling fennel seeds in water for couple of minutes. Honey is added to taste or its optional.

Saunf/ fennel aids in digestion and after having a heavy meal like wazwaan or meaty or oily dishes it does hurt your gentle stomach and what comes to rescue is this natural ingredient ""saunf""

A sip of this warm kehwa makes your stomach blues go away. Simple and easy to make. 

Soothes the stomach and safe for kids.

2 Tbsp Fennel seeds / saunf 
3 teacups water 
Honey to taste ( optional)


1. In a saucepan bring water to boil. Add the fennel seeds and let it boil until you see the seeds are plumped up and water color is changed. Switch off and wait for few minutes.

2. Strain the kehwa in a cup. Add honey to taste and sip slowly.

Tastes yum without honey too. Very mild decoction. Do give a try.

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