Monday 7 January 2019

Dodh Wegreh ( Milky Rice porridge)

It was a day of recollecting memories and that is how I discovered this forgotten or lost recipe.
So me and my mother were discussing about food and old traditions that were practiced during her younger days and she had a very fond memory of this particular dish called dodh wegreh. This would be made back then in special occasions when a baby or child used to get vaccinated those days the wound would take few days to heal and when the wound would dry up completely dodh wegreh would be prepared on the same day to share the happiness of complete healing. It would be made in larger quantities and distributed among near and dear ones. Just like Tehar. So it really inspired me to try this dish out today. I must say though its simple it has a very creamy cumin infused subtle taste. My little toddler really loved it.
This recipe is going to be in my menu bookmarked. And its a humble attempt to save the lost recipes. So do try and let me know.
1 litre full cream milk
1 cup rice
1 tbsp + 1/2 tsp whole cumin seeds
Thick bottomed pan
1. Wash and soak rice upto 1 hour or more.
2. In a thick bottomed pan or nonstick saucepan pour in milk. Boil the milk till its quite thick.
3..Add in previously soaked and drained rice.
4.. to the cooking rice add in cumin seeds and salt as per taste.
5. Let it simmer until rice is all soft and tender.  Stir occasionally scarping all sides of the pan.
6. With precaution dont let the rice stick on bottom of pan.
7. Keep for 5 minutes on dam keeping hot plate under the vessel.
8. Stir well. Serve it hot. Enjoy

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