Tuesday 8 January 2019

Ver Thool/ veri thool ( Kashmiri spicy scrambled egg)

As soon as the winter sets in and I crave for spicy food. Ver is always an option to spice up any dish instantly and it's easy too.
Ver/ veri is an spice cake or masala tikki which is made using various ingredients found in Kashmir. Kashmiri shallot ( pran) and Kashmiri garlic gives an pungent and irresistible taste to it.
It's made at home with lot of effort. But nowadays its easily available in packaged boxes.
We use this masala tikki in many dishes. I use it more often in fish gravies.
Today I am using it to make a scrambled egg fry which has a dominant flavour of ver.
3 eggs
1 1/2tbsp ver / masala tikki
Salt a pinch
Turmeric powder a pinch
1. Soak the ver in little water for a while to soften it.
2. Heat pan or wok add little oil.
3. To the oil add the ver mixture. Fry this mixture on low flame until you see oil oozing out. Be careful it can burn easily.
4. To this add 3 beaten eggs. Cover with lid for few minutes and then slowly scramble the eggs with spatula.
5. Increase the flame and stir fry the eggs. Until an smoky favour is achieved.( you can splash some water if required)
5. Switch off and Serve with warm rice.

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