Monday 18 March 2019

Kashmiri Turnip ||Gogji te kokur ( Turnip and chicken curry )

Gogji te kokur ( Turnip and chicken curry)
Turnip is an amazing root vegetable used in various recipes in Kashmir the most delectable are the traditionally dehydrated ones which are saviour during harsh winters of Kashmir.
You can pair them up with red kidney beans , fried eggs or any meat.
Turnips have an aromatic earthy flavour and you can enhance the flavour by frying them and using in your dish. Today I have used fresh ones.
In Sha Allah will be making a pictorial soon on how to dehydrate this vegetable in oven.
Here goes the recipe
500 grams turnip
500 grams chicken
6 cloves garlic
2 tsp red chilly powder
1/2tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp cumin powder
1/2tsp coriander powder
Salt as per Taste
Method :
1.Peel and wash turnips. Pat them dry and cut them in quarters. Sprinkle some salt and mix well and keep it in bowl( this enhances the flavour)
2. In a wok/ vessel add in 4 tbsp oil and fry the chicken. Fry until brown and take out.
3. In same oil add in turnips. Fry them until evenly brown on both sides.
4. To this add the previously fried chicken and mix well with the turnips.
5. Add all spices and remaining salt.
6. Lower your flame and mix thoroughly and sprinkle some water.
7. Continue frying in simmer and sprinkle little water inbetween.
8. Once you achieve a stage where the masala has coated well and the dish is leaving out oil add 3 cups of water.
9. Boil on high for 10 minutes and simmer down with a closed lid for 20 minutes.
10. Open the lid gently press and check turnips. They should be soft but hold their shape. ( its ok if they break a little it makes the gravy tasteir)
11. Enjoy with steaming rice
Pressure cooker can be used after step 9. Can cook upto 2 whistles.

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